External streaming devices from Roku or Amazon Fire TV that have access to the ESPN Plus app and connect to your TV are a way to bridge the gap and start streaming the live sports and original content that ESPN Plus has to offer. You can also use a third-party streaming device to get ESPN Plus on your Vizio TV. (Not literally, but you know what we mean.)

The video will magically leap from your phone to the TV. Then either hit the Chromecast icon or the AirPlay icon and select your TV as the target. Just start watching a video on ESPN Plus - it doesn't matter what it is or whether you're on an iPhone or an Android phone, an iPad or even in a browser somewhere. But it's absolutely better than nothing and it's pretty simple to do. Basketball 22 NBA Updates Yahoo Fantasy Overview Leaders Profile Mobile Prize Leagues Fantasy Shop Winners Made Daily Claim 10 offer Claim 10 in Site Credit with your first deposit. The good news is that Vizio TVs support the Chromecast and AirPlay protocols, which makes it pretty simple to fire up ESPN Plus on a phone, tablet or even a computer, tap or click a few times and watch that sweet sports video on your Vizio TV.